Whatsapp Calls on Desktop: Whatsapp beta Voice and Video Calls are now enabled on Whatsapp Web

Whatsapp is improvising itself by giving new features to its users every now and then. Whatsapp has announced a new option that enables voice and video calls capacity on desktop app.
Statements by Whatsapp team:
During the pandemic, people being isolated opted to have long conversation by calling each other on Whatsapp. Usually the festivities were also celebrated here that included Christmas eve that broke the record of voice and video calls with range of 1.4 billion callers a day. Whatever tech you are using in the world, Whatsapp has its own space in people’s heart and phones. Many people fell off apart from each other by also adjusting themselves in working fully isolated condition. Whatsapp conversation made them chill and more close to each other.
Whatsapp is enabling voice and video call options now on your desktop by giving the capacity of 2 million users a day to stay in touch with fully secured network. It has no counting of how many calls will it take in a day by desktop.
More than 2 billion users are engaged with Whatsapp. Many users switched from Whatsapp to other messaging app, when the recent scheduled privacy update excelled million users to turn off. After taking a full-page newspaper ads to working with more understanding for example none of personal data would be shared, and the blacklash was noteworthy. Whatsapp is searching ways to roll out itself of this ways in an easy way in coming months.
Will the process by desktop be easy for everyone? Afterall, the two comparision are not relative to each other although to ask for the calling option where it would be relevant becomes more engaging. However, they are still not sure about the update.
In order to improve business experience, targets and facilities, Whatsapp will share the information by peoples interactions with businesses and parent company Facebook. This update is truly related and dedicated for interaction with businesses and Whatsapp only.
The relevant difference here is people will be able to place calls via desktop and not via browsers. This updates is not related to web-based version of the application.
With increasing people and businesses it can provide more facilities. As per sources by Whatsapp it is heard that it will enhance its facilities to make group voice and video calls.