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This Website will tell you if anyone died in your flat

This Website will tell you if anyone died in your flat

Move right into a brand new flat and you also do not understand what you will find — leaky pipes, pesky bugs, the spirits of the dead. While we can not prepare for everything, a new website hopes to calm some of your stress by disclosing some of the more grisly secrets of your house.

For only $11.99 per hunt, DiedInHouse will give you a complete history of who has perished in your house. The list is not only restricted to natural deaths — homicides, suicide and unintentional deaths are also included. For no added fee, DiedInHouse may also provide other interesting facts about your home, including all fire-related events, and if it to you once contained a meth lab.

Both a house’s meth history, and its departure history, can seriously affect its property worth. “A passing in a house, particularly a terrible departure can affect its worth by more than 25%,” DiedInHouse writes on its web site. Up to 45% of Americans believe in phantoms. And while no ghosthunters may be known by DiedInHouse, the advice they give could help individuals make educated choices about selling their property.

Roy Condrey, creator of DiedinHouse, considers the website fills a need that is real.

“When a renter of mine texted me in the midst of the night saying, ‘Do you realize your house is haunted?’ I didn’t understand its history, and so I began studying online … Carrying out a Google search, I found pages and pages individuals asking my same question,” he told Mashable in an e-mail.

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