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The Indian Military – The Fifth Most Lethal Force in the World

The Indian Military – The Fifth Most Lethal Force in the World

Indian Military occupies the third biggest position in size in the world, but comes down to the fifth position concerning the striking power. It is mentioned in the report on current ranking available in no less than the Credit Suisse account on globalization. Find here the details of ranking.

The leading position was noticeably occupied by none other than the US Army with a huge store of different arsenals and equipments in its powerful force. The battery included 13,900 jets, 920 combat helicopters, 20 aircraft carriers and 72 submarines. The second position was obviously taken by Russian Army pursued by China, Japan and then came Indian Army to secure the fifth place to conclude the top five of powerful armies in the world.

The exclusive report also reflects the fact that American and Russian arsenals jointly contribute to the 90 percent of the entire nuclear armory of the world. Although we are far behind in updating our striking power ability to that of US and Russians, nevertheless it is a grand time to rejoice for our status.

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