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Nine Year Old Girl Who Sneezes 8,000 Times Everyday

Nine Year Old Girl Who Sneezes 8,000 Times Everyday

Ira Saxena, Colchester, England has been suffering from a peculiar ailment, which has baffled doctors.

According to media reports, it began three weeks ago when she woke up on a day and since then sneezing has not yet stopped.  Her mother said to the local media that the feat began slowly in the earlier period, which became continuous and violent. Doctors are confused on the mystery over the disorder and unable to cure it as well.

Ira’s mother said to a leading daily that she was not allergic to anything and was prescribed steroids, antihistamines and a nasal spray, but she did not respond at all. Doctors are of the opinion that it is possibly an erroneous signal from her brain or a tic, but no one is sure.

Though this has created a big problem for the little girl, but the only time the sneezing stops when she is asleep. However, it is a relief that Ira gets sound sleep, but the sneezing starts once she wakes up.

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