Essentials for Bikers for Riding in Summer

If you use a motorbike or a scooter for commuting, you require the following to be trendy and healthy in this summer season.
Headscarves or Bandanas: While he helmet is mandatory for bikers, it sadly is one major reason of hair fall. A simple way to evade this is to wear a bandana or the headscarf. It makes a layer of protection between the hair and the helmet lining. If the temperature is unbearable, you can use a wet headscarf to get relief.
Faux Sleeves: When you ride, hands are exposed in the harsh sunrays and can lead to problems. It gives a terrible tan and cause major sunburn and sometimes cause skin diseases due to the over exposure. One easy way to avoid this is to wear armbands or faux sleeves. The regular ones with tattoos are repulsive, buy a simple pair of faux sleeves that match with many dresses.
Shoes: The road surface absorbs the heat and acts like a steaming hot pan. Furthermore, the engine generates additional heat and together they can practically burn your feet. Many riders complain of rough skin around the feet, which is due to the exposure of the area to the heat. Preferably, one should put on shoes to keep the foot protected.
Sunglasses: Normally, most helmets do not contain the protective tinted fibers to save from the glare of the sun and there you need sunglasses definitely. The sunglasses make a superb style statement, but also protect you from the glaring sun and keep the dust out of your eyes. When you use eye makeup, sunglasses are really essential.
Sunscreen: Sunscreen needs to be a regular beauty treatment and dressing up rule during the summer. Moreover if you are a rider, the need is very important. Understand your SPF requirement correctly and never ride without using it.