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Colgate Pays $5 Millions for the Super Bowl Ad

Colgate Pays $5 Millions for the Super Bowl Ad

It is nothing new for Colgate to make the first appearance as an advertiser for the Super Bowl next month.

The toothpaste brand uses the reconstructed advertisement material of 2014 created for the World Water Day, displayed in Brazil and Columbia without creating a fresh ad for the debut in the Super Bowl costing $5 millions.

The advertisement is just like a public service announcement aimed at water conservation having a short brand name projection at the end. It is a simple but impressive concept. It shows a man brushing his teeth with the faucet running while a small girl approaches to drink water holding the water flow in her cupped hands.

The touching fact remains that running the sink unnecessarily causes more wastage of water during the act of teeth brushing than many families in the world get water for use every week

Y&R Peru, the ad agency received the Cannes Lion Advertising Aware with the first run of the ad with viewership exceeding 500,000.

Super Bowl advertisers prefer the lighter approach in advertising for the year as it was serious last year. Colgate like a few others would fancy the serious approach. The same serious approach is planned by many other brands like Sun Trust Bank planning to project economic distress and Mini Cooper going for the celebrity –studded spot on rising over stereotypes.

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