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UFO Hunters Found A Strange Statue On Mars

UFO Hunters Found A Strange Statue On Mars

Legend has it that early Assyrians developed space travel and left a statue of the god on Mars. On Monday, NASA’s Mars Opportunity rover sent an picture back of a stone that resembles Nabu, the god of wisdom to the Neo-Assyrians – at least according to some UFO enthusiasts.

The picture was shot in a site called, ‘Concepcion Crater,’ an area that had been a puzzle to scientists as a result of odd coatings on rocks close to the crater. ‘One is looking towards us as well as another is looking to the left. Although alarms and bells may be going off for alien hunters, Nasa does not have any curiosity about investigating the ‘face’ further.

‘As you often will tell, this is a natural stone in the disrupted rim of a tiny crater, not a sculpture made by some historical culture,’ Nasa spokesman Guy Webster told in a e-mail. ‘But it is great that folks are using their imaginations and appreciating the complete public access to each picture shot by any Mars rover.’ Nasa has packed their program with navigating the rover to a place of sand dunes, as tall as a two-story building and as wide as a football field, with all the hopes of learning more on the subject of Earth ‘s environment.

The business attributes these kind of sightings on a trick of your brain, known pareidolia – the emotional result to seeing recognizable things in arbitrary locations. Last month, another, more well known, religious figure was seen hanging out around the Red Planet.

UFO hunters say they saw an enormous Buddha statue in the mountains on Mars. They’ve been utilizing the ‘discovery’ to indicate that intelligent life once existed on Earth, and might have even have had a faith.

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