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The Nut that Arrests Cancer Cell Growth

The Nut that Arrests Cancer Cell Growth

According to a report published in the Harvard Nurse’s Study, most females eating nuts in teenage years enjoy better chances of fighting breast cancer in later part of life. A recorded study on daughters of nurses substantiated the claim. Females consuming more of peanut butter, beans, nuts, lentils, soybeans and corn were found to run very little risk of fibrocystic breast disease, which is considered high risk factor of cancer. The protective results were observed to be the strongest for women running more risk having breast cancer history in the family.

British Journal of Cancer found in a study that consuming even two handfuls of nuts every week provides protection against pancreatic cancer, the most lethal form of cancer.

Nuts are known as “Nutritionally precious”, which explains the mechanism undertaken by components of nuts in stimulating cancer cell destruction and slowing down of cancer growth in vitro. Which is the best nut for the purpose?

Walnuts and pecans are in the top of the list due to antioxidant content.25 walnuts give antioxidant property equivalent of 8 grams of Vitamin C, which is Vitamin C contribution of 100 oranges.

Hazelnuts, pistachios and Brazil nuts are not superior as well. Pine nuts, cashews and macadamias also trail behind in competition. Almonds are doubly protective dividing cancer cell growth with half the measure of pine nuts, cashews and macadamias. Walnuts, pecans and peanuts are the most powerful materials causing remarkable fall in cancer growth even with a minute dose.

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