Sony Patented Contact lenses Record What You Visualize

Sony has joined the bandwagon with heavyweight players like Google and Samsung. The Company has applied for patent of the ‘Smart’ contact lens, which is a brilliant product. The main component of the novel contact lens technology is that the camera recorders identify when you are blinking intentionally with regards to the natural, involuntary blinking. These intentional movements activate the mechanisms of the camera.
It is a well known fact that a normal blinking is of 0.2 seconds to 0.4 seconds. Hence, it can be described that in the event of a blinking exceeding a period of 0.5 seconds, the blinking is consciously activated and is different from the natural or unconscious blinking.
Lenses record images in the internals storage device, a large development over similar designs like Samsung’s, which pass on images to an external device. It provides the opportunity to access your recordings quickly and easily.
Lenses feature an accumulation of sophisticated technologies. They use piezoelectric sensors for converting mechanical energies such as pressure, force, etc. into electrical energy; eye movements would be detected by these sensors to be used to turn on the camera or recordings. Power is supplied through electromagnetic induction where a slight electrical current is generated by moving a conductor through a magnetic field.
It is capable of adjusting for the tilt of the user’s eye and would use autofocus for blurred images. The technology is in the theoretical and forward-thinking stage at present, but with the involvement of so many technological companies rushing to develop and patent the required devices, we can expect to witness these ‘Smart’ lenses immediately.