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Now, connect with your neighbours via ‘NearGroup’ app

Now, connect with your neighbours via ‘NearGroup’ app

‘Close Group’ lets Android and iPhone users and their neighbours for connecting without giving up their cellular telephone number.

Having a three-month Facebook account that is old is compulsory to download the program. This manner in which the program ensures that just users that are confirmed connect on Near Group. The user’s Facebook account must also have at least 50 buddies within their list. Now, it’s accessible just for Delhi and NCR residents.

“Near Group is India’s 1st cellular-program where users can group-chat with verified neighbours. All the user must do is begin chatting with neighbours and choose their locality. We are able to make India a much better place by enabling neighbours to help, work out, volunteer, carpool and hangout with each other,” Close Group creator PrashantPitti told

Pitti maintains the program has notched over 3,500 downloads within a week of its start.

Although the user must sign in the information on the account via their Facebook account, aren’t discussed on the program.

“We need to keep just actual-users for great-quality of discussion on NearGroup. Therefore, we’ve made Facebook login an attribute that was required. Each user’s Facebook profile is manually checked by all of us before approving them to be part. Anything objectionable on their Facebook-profile (any graphical-content, any hate-post, non real profile-image, arbitrary labeling, objectionable language, etc) can be among a small number of reasons for his or her non-acceptance,” Pitti, an IIT Madras grad, said.

From security reasons, users are permitted to switch their place just following an interval of three months. Any man getting 10- 15 is blocked by the program.

Google Play shop has given a user evaluation of 4.2 to the NearGroup program.

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