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Nature’s Viagra – Wine and Berries

Nature’s Viagra – Wine and Berries

Coffee is no more the super drink as per science. Red wine, the ingredient for soothing disorders of the heart is now a superb tool to fight problems of erectile dysfunction. Blueberries or citrus fruits, which have loads of flavonoids are considered helpful to men in problems related to erection. The information is provided by John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, which discloses that nearly 18 million men are affected with the complaint in US.

The fresh study was mentioned in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, which evaluated the dietary examples of erectile dysfunction diaries of 25,096 men at 3-4year intervals, reported by the Medical Daily. They concluded that men with diets rich in citrus fruits, berries and the course red wine were lesser prone to experience erectile dysfunction. Men taking such diets substantially experienced 14 percent less risk of getting affected by the problem.

Prof. Aedin Cassidy, the lead researcher explained that consuming foods rich in flavonoids were capable of reducing the risk factors inclusive of diabetes and cardiovascular problems. Anyway, it was the beginning when researchers were able to link flavonoids with erectile ED, the crisis that could involve nearly half of the middle-aged and aged males.

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