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Benefits of ‘Chamomile tea’- skin, hair and overall health: Drink Up!

Benefits of ‘Chamomile tea’- skin, hair and overall health: Drink Up!

Since centuries, Chamomile herbs are pretty, little daisy-like flower, which are customarily used as healing herbs. They are from Asteraceae family of plant kingdom. The word chamomile was formed from two Greek wrods. ‘khamai’ means on ground and ‘melon’ means apple. They grow low on ground and smells as an apple.

Nutrition Facts of Chamomile Tea

  • A cup of chamomile tea consists of 2 calorie and half gram of carbohydrate according to researchers. 237 grams of chamomile tea contains very low amount of sodium and cholesterol according to SELF Nutrition Data.
  • This tea doesn’t have any dietary fibre, sugar or protein. Small amount of vitamin A, folate, choline and beta-carotene is present in it. A nominal amount of magnesium, fluoride, manganese, sodium, calcium and potassium is present in it despite having low nutrient content.

Benefits of ‘Chamomile tea’- skin, hair and overall health: Drink Up!

Chamomile Tea- Health Benefits

It cures headaches
It heals mouth sores
It lessens contractions
It helps in digestions
It boosts immune system
It improves hair and skin
It routines blood sugar
It cures sleep disorder

Benefits of ‘Chamomile tea’- skin, hair and overall health: Drink Up!

Chamomile tea- side effects!

  1. Interactions with medications: Chamomile is a blood thinner, hence it is not advisable to take tea with blood thinning medications. With certain medications, the compounds of chamomile might not go well.
  2. Side effects of chamomile tea: If side effects like nausea occurs avoid such drinking tea. It is not advisable to drink chamomile before driving as it demands proper attention. You should drink chamomile tea if you are planning to conceive or are pregnant.
  3. Allergic reactions: Allergic reactions are occurred in chamomile tea. After drinking chamomile tea, the people who are sensitive to Asteraceae family that is dahlia or chrysanthemum will get allergic reactions.
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