Amazing Facts about ‘Tejas’ –India’s Light Combat Aircraft for the International Air Show

Amazing Facts about ‘Tejas’ –India’s Light Combat Aircraft for the International Air Show
Amazing Facts about ‘Tejas’ –India’s Light Combat Aircraft for the International Air Show
Amazing Facts about ‘Tejas’ –India’s Light Combat Aircraft for the International Air Show
Amazing Facts about ‘Tejas’ –India’s Light Combat Aircraft for the International Air Show
Amazing Facts about ‘Tejas’ –India’s Light Combat Aircraft for the International Air Show
Amazing Facts about ‘Tejas’ –India’s Light Combat Aircraft for the International Air Show
India’s fighter plane”Tejas” has amazing features and is ready for the International Air Show. It is a great leap forward for the Indian Defense Force in exploring possibilities of exporting these machines with advanced technologies. The International Air Show is scheduled to be held from January, 21st to January 23rd.
India is proud of various occasions, which would be further decorated with the induction of the lightweight fighter jets LAC Teja’s or LSP-4 and LSP-7 for the worldwide display. On this Monday, January 18th, these two machines landed at Sakhir Airbase, Bahrain and started practicing to display potential. It is the first time these aircrafts touched the foreign soil. Read more to know more on the indigenous achievement of the Indian Air Force.
It is for the first time that LCA Tejas moved in foreign airspace and landed on a foreign country.
HAL Tejas is a single-jet engine, single-seat, light, multi-role fighter jet developed by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) with design from Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA).
The lightweight fighter was authorized as a Light Combat Aircraft or LCA , which was, however, renamed as Tejas meaning ‘Radiance’ coined by the former Prime Minister of India, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
The LCA programme was originally started in 80’s for the replacement of the ageing MIG 21 fighters.
The aircraft is the lightest and probably the smallest of its counterparts as on date.
The best feature of LCA Tejas is the double delta wing configuration having no tailplanes or canard.