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5 Effective Methods for Sharpening Memory

5 Effective Methods for Sharpening Memory

You need to give importance to 5 effective methods to sharpen your memory.

Powerful Aromas
Choose new aromas such as coffee powder or the rosemary herb. Inhale the strong scent after you wake up in the morning. Scientists are of the view that powerful aromas influence cognitive abilities of people. The more powerful is the smell, the more sharply the memory reacts.

Perfect Diet for Memory
Scientists recommend foods rich in antioxidants such as apples, bananas, blueberries, green vegetables, carrots and garlic, etc., which neutralize electrons or free radicals causing memory loss. The brain needs healthy fats such as the Omega-3 fatty acid available in nuts and fishes, which are beneficial.

Workout for the Brain
Use your brain so that it remains active. Games such as the Sudoku and the crossword puzzle help improve recalling powers and testing the memory of the brain. Playing chess, scrabble or learning a new language are also effective tests for the brain. Break monotony, take a different route to reach the workplace or use the opposite hand to brush your teeth. Briefly, get engaged unpredictably.

Take a Sleep
The night sleep helps restore the power of the brain, which also secures the memory. Scientists are of the view that absence of the night’s sleep may result in complications of memory including memory loss.

Past, Present and Future
Recall past events of your life to check the memory power just like a quiz. It is a beneficial exercise for the brain and helps slowing down the ageing process. Use the brain in easy manner without taking up numerous duties simultaneously.

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