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Tips on Reusing the Same Cooking Oil

Tips on Reusing the Same Cooking Oil

Do you find it a healthy practice to reuse the cooking oil after you finish frying a bunch of nachos? Find here some tips for reusing the same cooking oil.

Choice of the Oil
You cannot reuse the oil after you finish cooking. Every type of oil begins breaking down when it reaches a certain temperature or the definite smoking point of the particular oil. Canola, peanut and other vegetable oils contain higher smoking points and do not easily break down. Olive oil having low smoking point is not a right choice for deep frying though it has a dominant flavor.

Filter the Oil
Filter the oil after every act of frying to free the oil from loose crumbs or particles of the batter, which may spoil the oil during the next frying process due to burning. Use layers of cheesecloth over a strainer to filter the oil to get rid of impurities.

Use the Refrigerator
Put the oil with normal room temperature in an air-tight container and put it in the refrigerator.

Different Oils for Different Items
The oil absorbs the flavor of the particular item that was cooked in it. The fish fried oil is suitable for shrimp, but inapt for onion. It is to prevent unwanted flavor overlapping the natural flavor of the particular food.

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