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Tata SUV Pulls 100-Tonne Train for Nearly 10 Kilometers

Tata SUV Pulls 100-Tonne Train for Nearly 10 Kilometers

Automobiles and particular SUV or sports utility vehicles are so powerful these days that they are able to perform feats that appear impossible. Such an example was recently witnessed when the Land Rover Discovery Sport pulled a train weighing 100-tonne, which is comparable to the weight of a Boeing -757 aircraft.

Land Rover Discovery Sport from Tata Motors owned Jaguar was launched in India last year. It pulled three luxury train carriages along a railway track with carriages weighing over 100 tonne. The SUV achieved the feat, but with a certified maximum towing weight of 2.5 tonnes or 2500 kg. The act was performed on the 85th bridge in Switzerland while demonstrating the towing capacity of the SUV, tow hitch assists , all terrain progress control or ATPC and 178bhp Ingenium diesel engine.

The SUV is powered by Jaguar land Rover 177.5bhp Ingenium diesel engine producing 430 Nm of torque fully relying on ATPC system to complete a tow of six mile or 9.65 kilometers.

The standard version Land Rover Discovery Sport comes fitted with rail wheels by British road –to raiil conversion specialists.

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