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Just 2 Cans Of Sweetened Juice Can Cause Heart Failure

Just 2 Cans Of Sweetened Juice Can Cause Heart Failure

Previous studies have linked high consumption of sugary drinks with several risk factors including obesity, high blood glucose, weight gain, diabetes and high blood pressure, said study leader Susanna Larsson. Larsson and colleagues followed a group of about 42,000 men for an average of nearly 12 years to validate the connection and sweetened drinks. To evaluate drinking customs, Larsson asked the guys how many sweetened juices or soft drinks they drank per week or per day.

Guys who’d more than two sweetened beverages a day had a 23 percent greater danger of developing heart failure throughout the study than guys who did not have these beverages. The study can not demonstrate that heart failure is caused by sugary beverages. However, Larsson said by e-mail, “The take home message is that men and women who frequently drink sweetened drinks must look into reducing their consumption.”

Girls also needs to keep clear of sugary beverages although the study was done in guys, Larsson added. “Sweetened drink consumption was related to blood pressure, insulin concentration, weight gain, obesity and type 2 diabetes additionally in girls,” Larsson noted. More than 23 million individuals globally have heart failure, when the heart is not powerful enough to pump enough blood and oxygen, which occurs. Due at least in part is increasing to ingestion of sodas and other sweetened drinks, Larsson and colleagues note in the journal Heart.

In the present study, about half the guys denied drinking sweetened juices or any sodas, while somewhat over one in six said they have less than half a serving daily. Just about one in seven guys confessed to at least a twice-daily custom. Guys who drank the most sweetened drinks and sodas normally consumed fewer servings and were not as likely to be university educated, somewhat more inclined to drink at least three cups of coffee a day.

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